Blessing Water: In Praise of Our Creator

In the Baptism service of the Orthodox Church there is a prayer which is part of the blessing of water in which God is praised as the Creator of everything in the cosmos.  All things in the universe are created to serve God, but also God made them for the service of humans.  There is no life on earth without water and so we praise the Creator of water:

Before You tremble all the Powers endowed with intelligence.

The sun sings to You.

The moon glorifies You.

The stars meet together before Your presence.

Hubble Telescope Photo
Hubble Telescope Photo

The light obeys You.

The deeps tremble before You.

The water-springs are Your servants.

You have spread out the heavens like a curtain.

You have established the earth upon the waters.

You have surrounded the sea with barriers of sand.

You have spread out the air for breathing.

The Angelic Powers serve You. The Choirs of the Archangels fall down in adoration before You.

The many-eyed Cherubim and the six-winged Seraphim as they stand and fly, veil their faces in awe before Your ineffable glory. 


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