Working From Our Hearts


Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant. And whoever of you desires to be first shall be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:43-45)


Christ both showed by example as well as taught us that we are to serve others. Greatness in Christ’s terms means serving others, meeting their needs and laboring for the good of others (which Christians who want to make America great should keep in mind – be great as Christ defined greatness). All the work we do is supposed to be done to the glory of God. This is why our work should come from the heart. We are not working just for ourselves, for our gain, for our income, as Christians we are always working for God and that is supposed to guide whatever labor we perform.


Any kind of work is God’s work. Every task should be performed from the heart, for it is not for people that we are laboring, but for God. God is present everywhere. The whole planet belongs to him; the entire universe is His. No matter who your boss is, whether he is a good man who manages his company well or not, we must do our work for God. For when we work for God, our hearts and minds are open, but when we do not, we say things like, ‘I won’t work for him; he’s a lazy good-for-nothing who sits all day, yet he gets paid more than me.’ This is a sign that we are not performing our task from the heart. (Elder Thaddeus, OUR THOUGHTS DETERMINE OUR LIVES, p 97)


Whether washing the disciples’ feet or dying on the cross, Christ was working for us and for our salvation. That is true of everything He did [which we hear whenever the priest pronounces the dismissal at so many feasts of Christ:  “who for us and for our salvation … ” and then he states what it is Christ did]. We should have that same mindset whenever we do any work, we should have at least in the back of our minds how we might also work for the salvation of the world.

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